How eConsults Can Help You—Meet the Facts

Electronic consultations, or eConsults, are a form of asynchronous telemedicine. They enable remote communication between different providers. In particular, eConsults empower primary care physicians to speak with specialists ahead of referral decisions. These virtual connections bring patients quality care through three main benefits:

1) Improved Experiences: Both providers and patients experience high satisfaction with electronic consultations. In addition to all of the benefits outlined below, there are a variety of reasons for positive experiences, including educational value to providers, lower hospital admissions, and diagnoses confirmation. Perhaps most advantageous, eConsults even improve patient care and outcomes by closing the care loop.

2) Saved Time: eConsults save valuable time by avoiding unnecessary visits to the specialist, reducing potential wait times, and increasing care efficiency. Instead of having to schedule an appointment, wait a few weeks, and then finally travel to a specialists’ office, your primary care physician could easily message a specialist through an eConsult and check whether a face-to-face meeting is even needed. This also ensures specialists get to see the most critical patients first and reduce their scheduling wait times.

3) Reduced Costs: It’s no secret that healthcare costs have been on the rise for years, leading to massive healthcare gaps in America. However, eConsults can help reduce the overall cost of care while increasing access to care. eConsults are less expensive than in-person consultations and also avoid any travel costs a patient may face. For providers, eConsults are reimbursable, offering physicians a different source of revenue while lowering overall healthcare expenditures.

But don’t just take my word for it! The benefits of electronic consultations have been bolstered over the years by an emerging wealth of academic literature. I’ve compiled and categorized the latest papers below by the three benefits. See for yourself how eConsults improve provider and patient experiences, save valuable time, and reduce the overall cost of care.

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